Ordering goods online is usually accompanied with concerns about the delivery information about the ordered goods. Walmart is one of the few retail stores offering the service for the convenience of customers to track their orders. Yet many of these customers are unaware of this feature on Walmart. The Walmart tracking feature which provides this service is termed Walmart Order Tracking.

Walmart is one of the best retail companies in the world. Their services are well above standard much to the satisfaction of its customers. If you like to shop online but worry about the status of your order, you can use Walmart, which tackles this problem well. If you already shop online on Walmart and unaware of this feature, you can start using the Walmart order tracking to start tracking your orders.
How To Track Your Orders On Walmart Order Tracking
The steps to tracking your orders as you will come to see shortly is fairly easy to follow, but to make the tracking successful, you will require two things. Your email and your order number. Your order number will be given to you once you place an order. So if these requirements are in place, you can be guaranteed a successful tracking if you follow the steps below.
- Step 1 Visit the Walmart website at walmart.com
- Step 2 Select and log in to your account
- Step 3 Click on options and then click on track orders.
That’s all there is to it. What follows next is a request for the order number and your email address. Enter the information into the form where appropriate and click on view order status. You will now be provided the tracking information about your order.
What To Do If There Is Still No Tracking Status.
If after you’ve taken the necessary steps to get the tracking status of your order as described in the section above and you still weren’t given a positive response, seeing an error message like Not Found. Then there is a problem somewhere and it might have happened due to one of the various reasons highlighted below. Finding out the cause for the unexpected response will better help you address the problem.
- Reason 1 Walmart does not have tracking information for orders that are still in the processing status.
- Reason 2 The tracking information is taking too long to update. When an order has been processed and shipped, it might take up to 48 hours after it’s been shipped to get tracking information.
- Reason 3 Your order does not have a tracking status from the shipping center. Not all orders on Walmart will have a tracking status and yours might just happen to be one of them.
So, these are the common reasons your tracking number wasn’t available. Except for the third reason, waiting for your status information to be available might be a good fit. You can also check to see that you provided the right information when you opt to track your order.