View private friends list – Facebook users can access a feature that they can use to lock their friend’s lists, preventing prying eyes from peeling into their friend’s list. In this article, you will learn about three tricks you can use to preventing the viewing of the private friend’s list of any Facebook user.
Why do people hide their friend list?

Most time people hide their friend’s lists for security reasons, Facebook users often restrict some people from snooping through their friend’s lists for security reasons. Some people prefer to keep their friends list private as well as their personal activities, restricting people from accessing their friend list and snooping around their social media is the best way to go about it.
Tricks on How to peek on anyone’s Hidden friend list
See post How To Unblock Friend On Facebook Guide
If you are a curious user and often want to know other people’s personal activities, for reasons such as gaining access to their friend list. Here are some tricks on how to do that, and it applies if or if not, you are friends with them.
Trick 1
- Access the friend finder page
- Scroll down and access the mutual friend section
- Input the named the friend list you wish to access, select your friends account
In other, for you to be successful with this, you need to have one mutual friend at least. However, this track may not show you the full list of your friend but it will show you mutual friends and the friends you have in common.
Trick 2
- Acquire the Facebook identity of your mutual friend and that of the friend you wish to hack
- Use https//www. Facebook. Com/ trick target friend and friend of your target.
Track 3
- Download and Install google chrome extension, friend’s mapper
- Access your Facebook account on chrome browser
- Access the target user profile and tap on friends
- A link called revealed friends will be shown to you in a blue ink, tap on it to proceed
- Wait for the process to complete and the friend list will be displayed for your eyes.
Follow the steps above to view friend list of Facebook user who has blocked his/her friends list.
Check this also Unblock Someone On My Facebook Friends List