Youtube Music New Features Lets You Play Music Directly from Search Bar- YouTube music for Android and iOS now offers an option for you to play songs right from the search bar. Formerly when you want to play a music track, you would need to search option, then tap the song in the results, and then tap the actual song to play it. This required you to make a few steps before you could actually play the song you want to listen to.
As spotted by a user on Reddit, YouTube music allows you to tap a song in the search results and have that song play with additional taps. This eliminates nonessential taps that you had to make, and you can now quickly get to the music track that you want to listen to.

To access this feature, open YouTube music on your phone and search for a song. At the bottom, you will see some search results that display cover art and the name of the artist. Tapping these options opens now playing and starts playing your chosen music.
With these latest features, you will see anywhere between one to three results that allows you to play your searched song. These search results display cover art as well as the name of the artist so they stand out.