Website is Nigerian based web platform that manages Nigerian news and entertainment. It is the sixteenth most visited web platform in Nigeria ranked by Alexa. The web stage was launched in the year 2012, with its central headquarters in Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. is a portal which deals in news updates in Nigeria. They give dynamic, entertaining, engaging and numerous other social activities. They offer news, mail administration, music, recordings, occupations, jokes and numerous other astounding features, to engage the community.

Get all the most recent news reports on what’s going on in Nigeria directly from this platform. You need to be updated on activities, occasions, and news. People can utilize the Naij application to gain access to these astounding recent features..
News Menu Sections In Website
There are loads of information and other engaging segments on this web stage. In other to get information on any moving area on the web platform, they are series of sections on the menu The web stage has many amazing menus where users can look for most recent moving data and news. The categories are.
- Latest.
- Sports.
- Gossip.
- Weddings.
- Celebs.
- Hausa News.
- Announcements
The users can choose from the lists of recent news and trends. You can know the latest activities going on in the country by access the latest menu on the home page. You can access the latest news trending when they click on this category
You can access all complete sports updates in this categories. This menu focus solely on football and other sport news, however football has high rating compare to other sports
This category grants you access to different gossips on various matters. Users can get latest rumors by simply accessing the gossip menu from the homepage.
You can get gist on the latest couple from this menu. Gist on latest wedding event are on in this category
You can gain insight on the whereabouts and events of your favorite celebrity from this menu
Hausa readers can access this category for latest news and updates on trending activities.
You can access events, birthdays, and other social activities by simply checking out this category.
The provide entertainment for it users to be entertained on daily bases.