How to Register for US Election 2020 to Vote On 3rd November – Ready to vote for the US 2020 Election. You should also consider How to Register for US Election 2020 to Vote On 3rd November. voting in the US varies based on the state you are living in. So, you should want to check more on this article to be prepared for the Presidential upcoming United States election.
I will be providing some basic states and their election deadline, as well as their online vote website for you to get more details on how you can vote on your state.

How to Register for US Election 2020 to Vote On 3rd November 2020
Voting is a regular activity done in almost all parts of the world. This is done to provide ahead of a section. There are three ways to register a vote in the United States. Either you vote in person, by mail, or online. Every state in the United States allows the online registration, but only a handful allow you to register on Election Day.
Citizens living in a state where they permit the vote in-person on the Election day, then be sure to take along your valid ID card and proof of residence (of at least 30 days prior to the voting day) to the voting ground. Also, if you decide to cast your vote by mail-in ballot, then the rules vary by the state you are living in. and you can get the information on your state election website.
States and Their Vote Website
I will be listing several states in the US and their site through which you can get the voting details on How to Register for US Election 2020 to Vote On 3rd November.
- Alabama: Citizens can vote 14-days before the election date in person, by mail, or online. The primary election for this state has passed but the presidential election is October 19th, 2020. You can CLICK HERE for more information and how to register to vote in Alabama.
- Alaska: Citizens can vote 30-days before the election date in person, by mail or online. The presidential election deadline for Alaska is on the 4th of October, 2020.
- Website:
- Arizona: Citizens can vote 29-days before the election date in person, by mail or online. The presidential election deadline for Alaska is on the 5th of October, 2020.
- Website:
- Arkansas: Citizens can vote 30-days before the election date in person, or by mail. The presidential election deadline for Alaska is on the 4th of October, 2020.
- California: Citizens can vote 15-days before the election date in person, or by mail. The presidential election deadline for Alaska is on the 19th of October, 2020.
- Website:
- Colorado: Citizens can vote 8-days before the election date in person, or by mail. This state also allows voters to register in person on the Election day and still have their vote counted. Online voters for this state must do so in 8 days before the election, while mail must do so 22 days before the election. The deadline to register online for the general election is on the 26th of October, 2020, while the Presidential election deadline for Alaska is on the 12th of October, 2020.
- Website:
- Connecticut: Citizens can vote 7-days before the election date in person, or by mail. Allows in-person voting on election day. The presidential election deadline for Alaska is on the 10th of October, 2020.
- Website:
- Delaware: Citizens can vote 24-days before the election date in person, or by mail. The presidential election deadline for Alaska is on the 10th of October, 2020.
- Florida: Citizens can vote 29-days before the election date in person, or by mail. The presidential election deadline for Alaska is on the 5th of October, 2020.
- Website:
- Georgia: Citizens can vote 28-days before the election date in person, or by mail. The presidential election deadline for Alaska is on the 6th of October, 2020.
- Hawaii: Citizens can vote 30-days before the election date in person, or by mail. The presidential election deadline for Alaska is on the 4th of October, 2020.
- Website:
- Idaho: Citizens can vote 25-days before the election date in person, or by mail. This state allows in-person voter registration on Election day. And if registering ahead of time, voters must be postmarked 25 days before the election day. The presidential election deadline for Alaska is on the 9th of October, 2020.
- Website:
- Illinois: Citizens can vote 27-days before the election date by mail, 16-days before election online, or till election day in person. The presidential election deadline for Alaska is on the 6th of October, 2020.
- Website:
- Indiana: Citizens can vote 29-days before the election date in person, or by mail. The presidential election deadline for Alaska is on the 5th of October, 2020.
- Website:
- Iowa: Citizens can vote 10 to 15-days before the election date with in-person election day registration allowed. Registering online or in-person must be completed 10-days before election day, while the mail voting deadline is 15-days before election day. Voters can also visit in person even on election day. The presidential election deadline for Alaska is on the 24th of October, 2020.
- Other states voters can visit the official vote site to get more details on How to Register to Vote in the US 2020 Election on November 3rd. Here is the link to visit:
Just select your state in the US and you will be redirected to your state voting website.