How to Let Your Kids Watch YouTube With A Supervised Google Account – It has become difficult for parents to regulate the kind of information their children come across online. A whole new generation has grown up online.

For this reason, YouTube has provided tweens and teens YouTube through a supervised Google Account. This new option for parents of tweens and teens allows them to control what kind of content their kids can access on YouTube. Supervised accounts provide a great way for parents to supervised the content their children come in contact with, supervised accounts are easy to set up and use.
How does the YouTube supervised experience work?
This alternative is designed for parents to feel their children are ready to access YouTube tweens and teens for independence and exploration.
This gives parents the option to select between three different content settings:
- Explore: this feature setting is for kids who are ready to move into YouTube. This feature is more appropriate for 9 years old kids and above and it includes educational content, tutorials, gaming videos, music, and lots more.
- Explore more: this feature offer contents for teens of 13+ and it’s included a larger collection of videos and live streams
- Most of YouTube: this includes all videos on YouTube, except for age-restricted content, including videos with sensitive topics that may be appropriate for only 16+ kids.
How to set up a supervised account
- Enter the Google sign up page
- Provide your children information (name, birthdate, phone number)
- Enter the email address of the account that will supervise the new account
- Accept Google privacy policies and terms of services
- Agree to parental consent
You child supervised google accounts is up and ruining