The constant scrolling of Facebook’s unlimited newsfeed is enough reason to make a Facebook user delete the Facebook app entirely from his or her mobile phone, which many Facebook users are doing it already.
If you’ve finally decided to get rid of the Facebook mobile all completely from your Android or iOS mobile device, then you’ve welcomed me to this page. This page will give you reviews of Facebook users that already deleted their Facebook app and also, you’ll get a step-by-step guide on how to delete the Facebook app from your mobile device.
Delete Facebook App
The Facebook social media app is a great and useful tool that helps you keep in touch with friends and family, enables you to show off your latest photos, and most especially share new stories with people of the world.

Having known Facebook to be a very interesting and well-known app, the Facebook app still falls a bit short in keeping your most sensitive info private.
Delete Facebook App – User Review
I deleted the Facebook app off my phone and now I feel free not just me but my phone feels free too. I don’t have to scroll through my numerous newsfeeds to see updates from my friends, family, and even my worst enemies.
Do I miss the Facebook app on my phone? Hell NO, I don’t miss it. The Facebook app on my phone drains my phone’s battery life, leaving me with no space left to download and install other useful apps.
There are just two ways you can delete the Facebook all from your life and they include;
- Disabling the Facebook app from your phone.
- Uninstalling the Facebook app.
Now let’s look into the two options.
Disable Facebook App
The easiest method to delete the Facebook app from your phone is to disable the app within the settings section of your Android device. Follow the process below to do so;
- Open your Mobile device settings.
- Select apps.
- Tap see all apps.
- Select Facebook.
- You’ll see two options; disable or force stop app.
- Choose disable.
- Hit the ok button.
This process doesn’t delete the Facebook app completely from your mobile phone.
Uninstall Facebook App
- Go to your android phone settings.
- Open your Android application manager.
- Click Facebook.
- Then tap the install button.
You can reinstall the Facebook app anytime you want by downloading it again from the Google playstore on your Android device or the iTunes Appstore on your iOS device.
Remember, uninstalling the Facebook app will delete the Facebook app from your mobile phone which you can reinstall and login to your account again.