These top 10 small business ideas, are simple yet very profitable. If you are in doubt of the kind of business to commit to, looking through this list might help fix it for you. You don’t need to start big to earn big.

List Of The Top 10 Small Business Ideas
Below we are going to looking at the Top 10 small business Ideas that we have done an in dept research on . After the research we came up with the List as these Top 10 small Business Ideas can be done with very little or no capital. Lets look at them one after the other;
Flea Market Vendor
You can make money out of playing a store merchant any time you attend a flea market. There are general flea market to attend as well as more specialized ones. You can make your own items to sell, trade used items or sell new items that you buy wholesale. You have multiple options.
Grants Proposal Writer
With lots of grants packages on offer from the governments and other organizations, people are looking for good grants proposals that can help them clinch that prize. Although this may take time to compile especially if you do not have much experience in it, you can get specialized in it, to get more business and charge much higher fees. Once you have some successful securing agents, that will be the advertising you need, because they will spread the word around for you and in turn help you build your clientele.
Interior Room Painting/Wallpapering
Learn the art of interior room painting or wallpapering and use as a side job to make additional income. You can work on weekends in any weather condition because you would be working indoors. As you grow in the business, you can charge a lot of money for quality interior painting and wallpapering.
Life Coaching
You can become a life coach for people who are demanding more fulfilment in their lives and have more than one option to consider. Just build your skills in this field by reading extensively for it, sign up for some life coaching classes yourself, or take a course on how to teach life coaching and in turn, make a business out of it.
Personal Shopping Service
Do you love shopping?, then turn your hobby into a money making venture. Go shopping and get paid for it and keep your clients satisfied. But first you must note that this service requires patience, because you have to learn about your clients preferences and returning merchandise that your client do not like as much as you did. Once you can satisfy your clients, and master the business, you can be sure of some weekly, monthly income.
Test Prep Coach
If you are good in some particular subjects, you can just find one that is your strong point and study up on it, and use it to become a great test prep coach. You can be hired by parents to coach their kids for an upcoming test. Thus you have to be sound yourself to be able to offer one.
Yard Sales
Unknown to many, there is so much money involved at yard sales and it can be turned into a regular business. Young entrepreneurs who are looking for ready businesses, can buy additional merchandise like flea markets or online specifically to sell at yard sales. Yard sales can be highly lucrative and is worth considering.
Bicycle Rentals
You can set up service stations or other local business as your agents and give them a percentage of the rental fees. Look for vacation areas, bike trails, etc., and locate your bicycle rental business, and you would be glad you did.
Book Packager
As a packager, you would be selling to a publisher a completed manuscript with all the pages already laid out, and a book cover to go with. Book packagers, are likely to sell more complex book projects, like books that are heavily illustrated or books that are packaged with another component.
Carpet Installation
Installing carpets sounds simpler than it is done. This why home owners and commercial businesses always look for who to hire to install it just the right way for them. If you are interested in doing this business but don’t actually know how to start, you can source for installation jobs from carpet retailers, from online business service directories, or from advertising on places like Craigslist.
You don’t need tons of money to start a business. All you need is an idea and the right platform to set it off, and you will be amazed at how much you can make and the level at which your business will grow.