PSN: The PlayStation Network is a digital media entertainment service provided by Sony interactive entertainment. Launched in November 2006, PSN was originally conceived for PlayStation video game consoles but soon extended to encompass smartphones, tablets, blue-ray players, and high definition televisions. As of April, over 110 million users have been documented, with 113 million if they active monthly as of June 2020.
What You Need To Know About PlayStation (PSN)
Signing up for PlayStation network is totally free. There are two types of account that can be created which is the master accounts and sub accounts. A master accounts allows full access to all settings, including parental controls, sub accounts can subsequently be created (e.g. for children) with desired restrictions set by the master account holder.

A sub account holder has option to upgrade their accounts once they reach 1i years of age. Sony encourages registrants to use a unique email and string password not associated with other online services.
Also note that play station’s services are dedicated to ab online marketplace (play store store), a premium subscription service for enhanced gaming and social features (PlayStation plus), movie, streaming, rentals and free purchases (PlayStation video), music streaming (PlayStation music, powered by Spotify) and a cloud gaming service (play station now). The service is available in 73 territories.
How To Sign up For PlayStation Account
Play station network account can be created on your PlayStation console or using the PlayStation network website. For either method, you will need to complete the signup forms with some personal informations like name, location, date of birth, and email address. You will need to be able to access to the email address to verify the account in an email sent to you.
Here are the steps to create a PlayStation (psn) account. And I will be giving two simple methods to do that
Method 1 0f 2
- Press user on the main login page: if the console is already signed into an account, you can sign out by holding the PS button on the controller and choos9log out on the “power tab”
- Press create user
- Press accept
- Press next
- Press new PlayStation network “create an account”
- Complete the “join PlayStation network” form. You will need to provide the following information
- Country
- Language
- Date of birth
- City/state/zip code
- Email address
- Password
- Online ID (user name)
- First name/last name
- Press next
- Press continues
- Press accept
- Click the verify now link in the email sent to you
- Press already verified on the PS4
- Press continue
- Press do this later.
- Press next
- Press skip
- Press do not activate: you will be signed into the play station network on your new account
Method 2 Of 2
- Scroll to and select users from the main menu of your play station home screen
- Select create new user
- Navigate to PlayStation: this is on the right side of the app marquee
- Press sign up for play station network
- Press create account
- Complete the form. You will need to provide your country, preference of language and date of birth
- Scroll to and press continue
- Scroll to and press accept
- Complete the second form you will need to provide your email address, password, an answer to the security questions into the fields provided in screen
- Press continue
- Enter an online ID
- Press continue
- Complete the third for by providing your first and last name and also your billing address.
- Press continue
- Press continue after verifying the account information is correct: Your play station network account will be created and ready to use.
These above methods are convenient and easy ways to sign up for a PSN account.