How to Troubleshoot App Crashes on Android – Here’s how to troubleshoot app Crashed on your Android device. Especially with it’s extensive app ecosystem which gives way to a lot of applications. Read on and find out how it’s done.
Once your Google play is opened, you’ll be ae to access a lot of applications ( though a few nights cost you while most don’t because they are free). However, most apps tend to crash as a result of insufficient memory or a weak chipset. That aside, some apps still crash if they aren’t coded properly. Regardless of what the reason may be, you’ll be shown how to resolve such an issue if you find yourself in one.
How to Troubleshoot App Crashes on Android
If your devices have the problems that’ll be mentioned below then try the Fixes steps to help solve those problem. The problems are:

- Crashing.
- Won’t open.
- Won’t respond.
- Isn’t working properly.
How to Fix App Crashes on Android
Follow the fixes below to help out:
- First, you’ll have to restart and update your Smartphone device (check out Android’s updates to be sure it updated).
- Next up, update the app that appears to be crashing. Head to Play Store, go to my Apps and Game to do that.
- Once you’ve down that and there’s no difference, Force Stop the App.
- Remove/ Clear the app’s cache and data from your device.
- Sync your device with Google servers.
- If it’s still being stubborn, uninstall the app.
- If you’ve tried all these fixes and it still doesn’t work out well, you’ll contact the app developer.
If you’ve tried the troubleshooting steps and it’s still messing up, contact Google Post or the app developer. You’ll know what the problem is.
- If you can’t update any apps, or if you have trouble with Google apps, contact Google Play.
- If you have trouble with one app but can use other apps without a problem, contact the app developer.
How to Contact Android App Developer
Here’s a guide on how to contact them:
- Go to Google Play on your device.
- Browse or search for the app.
- Locate and select the app to open the detail page and scroll down to the “Additional information” section.
- Review the contact information listed.
With that, the troubleshooting app’s issues should be resolved. Hope it was helpful though? It’s quiet a satisfactory feeling, being able to get that problem solved with the guides help.