Strengthened by AI, Stack is actually Google’s thrust into the document scanning space. Stack which is available at the moment in USA is an app that makes use of Google’s Document AI technology to sequentially examine, scan through and arrange the documents in order. The Stack app was Launched by Area 120 also known as Google’s ‘In-House Incubator’.

Stack Makes Use of AI to aid in making Documents Scanning and Searching Easier
There was a post that the team at Area 120 made Stack by “applying DocAI’s enterprise technology to personal documents”.
All you’ll need to do to scan a document is Click a Picture of it Using the App then relax and let algorithm do the rest. Once you’ve scanned a document using Stack, the app names the document and recommends an appropriate name depending on the type of document.
This new development aims at making way for a more organized way of storing your documents which does sound like a smart one.
However, there isn’t any shortage of the document scanning apps, Stack died have the ability to identify important information in documents. Google stated that these important documents include details like “due date or total amount due”. With that, your searching shouldn’t take so much time and effort.
When we talk about Security, Stack is top notch on that. Stack protects your documents using “Google’s advanced security and sign-in technology”. The Stack app users can decide to have an additional layer of security in form of fingerprint and facial scanning when unlocking the app.
Your documents are safe regardless of if you uninstall the app or not. It’s can sync every document with Google Drive.
Stack App Was the Idea Of Socratic’s Founder
An education startup in 2018, acquired by Google know as the “Socratic” made it possible for Stack to be in existence. The founder of Socratic “Christopher Pedregal” is the team lead of the Stack. Pedregal stated that
“At Socratic, we used Google’s computer vision and language understanding to make learning easier for high school students. I wondered if we could apply the same technologies to make organizing document easier”.
An Intuitive Document Scanner by Google
The fact still remains that Google has always been ahead of it’s competition whenever it has to do with AI technology. Users can expect Stack to blow their minds when it comes to document scanning space.
The automatic Google Drive sync an categorization which fall under the featured of Stack which gives the app access to edge ahead of other offerings in space. Although, this cool app is available to Android users in the USA meaning the IIS users will have to use other apps to scan their documents.
Improvements been made on the perfection of the aps algorithm by the Area120. With that, keep an eye open for new and better hone features in the near future. Do enjoy this app and its amazing features.