How to Findout If Your PC Has Bluetooth – sunrise will teach you how to determine whether or not your computer has built-in Bluetooth capabilities. While the majority of Windows computers and virtually all Macs have built-in Bluetooth cards, some desktop computers and older models do not.
How to Findout If Your PC Has Bluetooth: Basically, drag the mouse down to the lower right corner of your screen to where the tiny task-bar icons are. there may only be a few and an arrow pointing up. clicking that shows you the rest. you are looking for the Bluetooth icon.

How to Findout If Your PC Has Bluetooth include the following:
Bluetooth On Window
- Open Start: Click the Windows logo in the bottom-left corner of the screen.
- You can also right-click Start to bring up the advanced settings pop-up menu
2. Open Device Manager. Type in device manager, then click Device Manager in the Start menu. The Device Manager window will open.
- If you right-clicked the Start icon, just click Device Manager in the pop-up menu that appears.
3. Look for the “Bluetooth” heading. If you find a “Bluetooth” heading near the top of the window (e.g., in the “B” section), your computer has built-in Bluetooth capabilities.
- If you don’t see the “Bluetooth” heading, your computer does not have built-in Bluetooth capabilities.
Bluetooth On Mac
- Open the Apple menu: Click the Apple logo in the top-left corner of the screen. A drop-down menu will appear.
2. Click About This Mac. This is in the drop-down menu. A pop-up window will appear.
3. Click System Report…. It’s at the bottom of the About This Mac window. Doing so opens a new window.
On older versions of macOS, you’ll click More Info… here.
4. Expand the “Hardware” section. Click the right-facing triangle Image titled Android7expandright.png to the left of the “Hardware” heading to do so. You should see a list of indented subcategories appear below the “Hardware” heading.
- If the triangle next to “Hardware” is facing downward, this list is already expanded.
5. Look for the “Bluetooth” heading. Beneath the “Hardware” heading, look for a “Bluetooth” sub-heading. It should be near the top of the list of hardware options.
- If you don’t see a “Bluetooth” heading here, your Mac does not have built-in Bluetooth.
6. Confirm that your Mac has Bluetooth. If you see the “Bluetooth” sub-heading, click once the heading to select it. If clicking the heading displays Bluetooth information in the right-hand side of the window, your Mac has Bluetooth capabilities; if not, your Mac doesn’t allow Bluetooth use.
Bluetooth On Linux
1.Open the Terminal. Click or double-click the Terminal app icon, which resembles a black box with a white “>_” on it.
You can also just press Alt+Ctrl+T to open Terminal in most versions of Linux.
2.Enter the Bluetooth search command. Type in the following command, then press ↵ Enter
3.Enter your password. When prompted, type in the password you use to log into your computer, then press ↵ Enter.
4.Review the results. If the next line in Terminal shows the name and manufacturer of a Bluetooth item, your computer has Bluetooth installed.
- If you see a blank line appear, Bluetooth isn’t installed in your computer.
- Keep in mind that some versions of Linux don’t support built-in Bluetooth adapters.
Does a laptop with Windows 10 have Bluetooth?
This depends on your laptop hardware and whether it came with built-in Bluetooth. If you have the hardware capabilities, Windows 10 includes the software to allow you to use Bluetooth, which you can find in Control Panel. If your notebook did not come with Bluetooth, you can purchase a USB adapter, which will allow you to use its capabilities.
How can I figure out whether my laptop has Bluetooth if I have Windows 8?
Press Ctrl + X and select Device Manager. Follow the rest of the steps for Windows 7.
Does Windows 7 have a Bluetooth feature?
Windows 7 is just an operating system (OS), whether or not your machine has Bluetooth capabilities does not depend on the OS. Just follow the instructions above to find out for your specific machine. Even if your device does not have Bluetooth capabilities, you can always buy a Bluetooth Dongle as a bypass.
I had Bluetooth on my laptop and now I cannot find it in the device manager. How do I get it back?
Download the corresponding drivers on your OEM’s website. If you somehow installed the Bluetooth hardware on your laptop yourself, retrace your steps
Why won’t my laptop show other nearby devices when I try to connect with Bluetooth?
Because the Bluetooth driver is missing in your control panel or there is no built-in Bluetooth hardware in your computer. You should try updating your Bluetooth driver to fix this problem.