Facebook Messenger lite – Facebook is a very big app, both in quality and size; in some phones, depending on the usage and Facebook activity of the user, Facebook weighs as much as 80 – 150MB of space, which is why Facebook releases a mini version known as Facebook lite Messenger; an app that allows users to chat with friends online with slight differences in the layout and functions.

This is an app from the developers of Facebook that allow users do the basic activities of Facebook like chatting, liking posts, making comments and viewing friends profile, mainly designed for phones with low specs and not so fast Internet connection. The Facebook lite Messenger is designed to work on smaller phones with lower CPU power and RAM, or phones that are not big enough to support the standard Facebook app.
Differences Between Facebook Messenger lite And The Standard Facebook App
Seeing that Facebook Messenger lite does almost everything that the standard Facebook app does, you may be wondering the differences in both of them. Let’s dive in and see some of the major differences in both :
- App size: this obviously, is the first factor that differentiates the standard Facebook app from Facebook lite Messenger; while the former may weigh up to 100 to 200 MB worth of size, the latter weigh as little as 8 to 13 MB worth of size.
- App performance: now, considering the fact that Facebook lite Messenger takes very little space and uses a very small percentage of your phone’s device, it’s safe to say it’ll work faster and more effective in doing the basic activities of Facebook listed above than the standard Facebook app. But, here’s the catch, using the standard app gives you complete access to everything you can do on Facebook, unlike the lite Messenger.
- Battery use: given the fact Facebook Messenger is smaller and works faster for chatting, it saves battery as much as up to 50% than the original Facebook version.
With all these, both works perfectly for doing the basics of Facebook, regardless of the version users may decide to use.
How To Download Facebook Lite
Downloading this is as simple and easy as using the app itself; regardless of the operating system you’re using, the steps are quite the same and should be well explained using any of the Oss. In this article, we’ll stick to that of Android. Let’s start, shall we?
- Tap on the play store icon on your phone to launch.
- On the homepage of the play store, tap on the search bar and enter the keyword “ Facebook Messenger lite “ and hit the search button.
- Your result should be among the first two search results ( make sure you type the keyword correctly). Tap on it and then select install to begin to download to your device.
After following these steps, your app should begin to download and should be done in a matter of seconds or minutes, depending on your Internet speed. Once the download is complete, you may tap on open to launch directly from the play store or return to your device menu and launch the lite messenger, ready for use.