Facebook dark mode is here, it is designed to minimize screen glare, while maintaining contrast to keep you from blasting your eyes with a white background when you are in a dim room. This feature is new to Facebook, and replaces the usual, bright, white interface with black as well as shades of grey.
This feature change might look small, but it’s definitely an important one. After waiting for months for the dark mode feature, the new look has started arriving on phones and desktops and offers users a smarter more stylish way of browsing through their newsfeed.

Facebook Dark Mode Benefits
Facebook dark mode comes with things that you may actually like about it. Let’s explore them:
- The dark mode may aid you sleep at night.
- The darker interface, reduces glare when you using the app after dark and makes for a more comfortable social experience.
- Swapping Facebook’s bright, white interface to something darker, can help your mobile device battery to last longer.
Facebook Dark Mode For Desktop
With the announcement by Facebook that it will be rolling out to the vast majority of its users over the coming days the dark mode feature, here is how to know if you have one.
If you get a notification, you should see a prompt at the top of the screen asking if you want to try the new-look Facebook?. If you answer in the affirmative, you will be able to switch to dark mode using the settings menu.
In case you are still waiting to receive the new design, you can use Google Chrome to ‘force’ dark mode on Facebook. Note however, that this does not look exactly the same as the official dark mode, but it is still not too far off.
To use Chrome is forcing dark mode for desktop, here is what you should do:
- Update your Chrome to the current version. If you are in doubt, open the main menu, and select ‘Help’ and then ‘About Google Chrome’, to have the browser find and install any available updates automatically.
- Then go to chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark in the address bar, and change the first drop down box you notice from ‘Default’ to ‘Enabled’. You will be asked to re-launch the browser, so ensure you save your work first.
- Once Chrome reopens, you will notice that every site you visit, including Facebook now has inverted colors where necessary.
To change back to the white color, just go back to chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark and have the setting change back to ‘Default’.
Facebook Dark Mode For iOS and Android
Facebook has also rolled out a new design for Android, which also offers a dark mode option. Now this feature for now is currently available to a group of testers selected seemingly at random.
For now, Facebook’s mobile dark mode still seems pretty much a work in progress, and some users who have managed to catch a glimpse at it have reported that it seems to be unfinished, switching between dark and light modes seemingly at random.
For now the Facebook dark mode has not been rolled out to iOS.
For now, you can still enjoy the dark side on your phone or tablet using Google Chrome. To use it:
- Type chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark into the address bar and change the flags ‘Android web contents dark mode’ and ‘Android Chrome UI dark mode’ to ‘Enabled’. After that’s done, just log into Facebook through Chrome and enjoy the new look.
The Facebook dark mode, is already available on Facebook Messenger. To activate it, just click on your profile picture, and click on the ‘Dark mode’ switch.
Once the full Facebook dark mode for iOS, iPadOS and Android arrives, you can be sure we will keep you updated once we know more about it.
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