Change Password on Facebook Account – Change Facebook password?, why would you want to do that?. Changing your Facebook password is something you should do periodically if you want to keep hackers and scammers off your account. If you use one password for too long, there’s a tendency that someone somewhere knows about it, and this can put your account and your private information at risk.
If you have had one password for long and you feel it’s time to change it, or if your account has already been compromised, and you have retrieve it and want to keep it safe by changing your password, I am here to help you.

Change Facebook Password
When you sign up for an account on Facebook, you will be asked to enter a password. This password, is what protects your account and gives you, and only you the exclusive access to your account. With a strong, secure and easy-to-remember password in place, your account may not be susceptible to hacking. Facebook advices, that you keep your account safe, by protecting your password from a third party.
Any time you want to have access to your Facebook account, Facebook will ask you to enter your password. This is to confirm that you are who you say you are, and that you have right to the account you are trying to access.
What is Password?
A password also known as passcode, can be simply defined as a string of characters that is used to confirm the identity of a user during an authentication process. Basically, passwords are used in association with a username, and are designed to be known only to the user, for easy access to a website, application or device.
How to Create a Secure Password
In order to create a secure password, the following should be taken into consideration:
- Your password, should have a minimum length of eight characters, with a limit of anywhere from 16 to 64 characters or even higher.
- Should include both uppercase and lowercase letters with case sensitivity.
- It should include at least one number
- Should also include at least one special character.
- You should create a password that would not be easily decoded by others.
- Create a password you will easily remember.
Change Facebook Password Benefits
Changing your Facebook password from time to time, gets you through the following:
- It helps protect your account and it’s privacy.
- Keeps your account away from the reach of hackers and scammers, who may want to use your account for fraudulent purposes.
- Helps you keep your private information safe.
- Gives you and only you, the exclusive right to your account.
Now before you change Facebook password, you must first log into your account with your old password, in other to change it to a new password. Here is how to log into your account:
Facebook Login For Mobile Devices
- Open the Facebook app on your device.
- Type in your email address or phone number.
- Enter your password
- Click on the Login link.
There it’s all done.
Facebook Login For Desktops & Computers
- Click open your web browser
- Navigate to
- Fill out your email address and phone number
- Fill out your Password
- Finally, click on the login option.
How to Change Facebook Password
Since you are already logged in, use this steps to change your Facebook password:
- Tap on the downwards triangle icon at the top right corner of your Facebook page, and choose Settings.
- Tap on Security and Login
- Hit on the Edit option next to Change password
- Then, click Save Changes.
In case you are logged in but you have forgotten your password, follow the steps under Change your password, and tap on Forgot Password?, and follow through with the steps to reset it. Note that, you will also need access to the email linked with your account.
Reset Your Facebook Password – Facebook Forget Password
To reset your password, if you are not already logged into Facebook:
- Head over to the Find your account page
- Enter the email address, mobile phone number, full name or username linked with your account, and click on the Search link
As already stated, changing your Facebook password is something you should do often enough to be sure that your account is safe.